Saturday, December 11, 2010

Quiet Weekend

Alas, I will not have any appointments to write about this weekend. Work has been incredibly busy, and I just haven’t had the time to make any!
So we’re going to spend a quiet weekend together, home in Brooklyn. Well, relatively quiet- last night we went to see Harry Potter (!!!!!), met up with some of Mike’s friends afterwards and didn’t get home til 3:30 am. (Oops.) We’re also going to punish ourselves with a trip to Target for some holiday decorations and gift shopping later, then tomorrow might swing by a friend’s new apartment to watch the Giants game, but for the most part we’ll just be relaxing.
Next week I’m getting back on the horse- I’m planning to see at least two places north of Monmouth County and possibly one south (as well as bang out some Christmas shopping).
I realized this blog was getting a little venue-heavy anyway- maybe I’ll post some other inspirations this weekend. My grandmother keeps asking me if I’ve added things to my ‘Hope Chest’- I tried to explain to her that I was blogging, and how I could use it as a sort of electronic Hope Chest. She’s 81, but she tried to understand- she asked if a blog was ‘something on facebook’ and then told me she was going to get lunch at ‘Pantera Bread’ for her birthday J.
So anyway, this weekend will just be about Mike and me relaxing… and maybe some online bouquet gazing!

Here's what Mike's doing:

Here's what I'm doing:

Here's what I'm really doing:

Have a great weekend everybody!

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